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Team Osprey is a solution-focused organization that works to allow operators, end-users, and industry leaders the opportunity to identify synergistic solutions to improve on the already exceptional V-22 platform.
Our Customer's Testimony
“With the assistance of Commander, Naval Air Forces, the Marine Corps, the V-22 Program
Office, OPNAV N98, Bell-Boeing and the Airborne Command & Control and Logistics Wing, we have been able to stay very close to plan despite schedule, budget and pandemic concerns. This is a true testament to the men and women committed to the success of the VRM community. We’re excited to witness the flexibility the CMV-22B will bring to the fleet and the carrier strike group,”
CAPT Dewon
Chaney, former Commodore, COMVRMWING.

"The CV-22 provides joint force commanders with an incredibly efficient and effective rapid global response, supporting long-range infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of Special Operations Forces in hostile or denied territories and politically sensitive environments."
- Eric Fiel, USAF Lieutenant General
"Though our Corps has recently proven itself in 'sustained operations ashore,' future operational environments will place a premium on agile expeditionary forces, able to act with unprecedented speed and versatility in austere conditions against a wide range of adversaries..."
- Marine Corps Vision and Strategy 2025